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yak yak tak

When an asshole decides to never stop talking

And he kept talking and talking and talking until all i heard was yak yak tak again and again and again!
I could've plokimjunhybgtvfrcdexswzaqed!

by HyperBeast43 May 15, 2016

2👍 1👎



Me: π is around 3.1415926535897932... um, I forgot the rest
Urban dictionary: say no more

by HyperBeast43 April 14, 2018


when you're so bored you type the qwerty alphabet in triangles.

P1: qawzsxedrcfvtgybhnujimk,olp
P2: what the fuck are you doing with your life

by HyperBeast43 April 14, 2018