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There's this game I play when I close my eyes...

You give me someday you see us together
and I see your someday and give you forever

111 means...everything

by I'm Dreaming February 24, 2025

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


I close my eyes and I am back in that room again. That moment...Heaven

I saw no one, but you. I heard nothing, but my heart beat. I felt safe, in your arms. It was as if every bit of air had left my lungs but instead of panic, I felt calm...I knew I was where I was meant to be

834 Is having the best memory...When you remember every detail and don't doubt that you always will

by I'm Dreaming February 27, 2025

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The written word replaces what we are too afraid to say...but the eyes have already done all the talking

When you live in a bubble of what ifs or will its because the words haven't been spoken...but your soul has all the clarity it needs

I.OU To be in a beautiful mixed state of elation and confusion because you feel like you need confirmation, but at the same time you don't

Does it really matter when you're on top of the world...

by I'm Dreaming February 23, 2025

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They consume your every thought...
Spoken, and unspoken words replayed...

Your heart beats faster yet you feel like you can't breathe
You feel complete..joy because they're in your life yet tears fall because they are not by your side

4321 Falling...
Part of you waits to be caught. While the other realises perhaps it's safer you know how to land

by I'm Dreaming February 22, 2025

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Head questions whether this is being dishonest
Heart assures you that there's a plan
Head tells you to walk away
Heart wants you to cross the road

Γ’ΒšΒ–Γ―ΒΈΒ when you've tried so hard to maintain the balance, you now feel dizzy trying to keep control

2 When your head almost wishes that your heart hadn't got involved

by I'm Dreaming March 1, 2025

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When I am with you, the only thing that takes my breath away more than speaking without words...is hearing you say my name

459 The Butterfly Effect

by I'm Dreaming February 19, 2025

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Swimming in your eyes...Time stands still..For those moments I feel complete...calm. Now, the clock resets...My heart, and every part of me, aches again for you. Until next Time

936 the decision you make to never share your true feelings for someone because even though it is painful, having them in your life in some capacity is worth more than anything

by I'm Dreaming February 4, 2025

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