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The only creatures I can think of that don't need a REAL reason or justification for hurting, killing, or manipulating each other.

Other animals do what they do for survival, territory, or competitive reproduction. They may act vicious, but none act that way for fury or a simple desire to kill, especially not to their own species.

This, of course, only applies to very few people; such as serial killers, terrorists, war criminals, etc. It's still kind of interesting to think about, especially if you're... just a freak.

Attention all humans, you can see why I spend more time posting online or out in nature than conversing with you now.

Truth is, I'm kind of afraid of all of you.

by I'm just a freak October 10, 2012

11👍 3👎

Urban Dictionary

Believe it or not, a site that seems to be gradually becoming a large, digital, opinionated, and fairly accurate history book.

Also, a site that's been used far more often to advance individual political and/or religious ideologies than to inform, although this site WAS intended to define social jargon/slang.

Even worse, some define here just to be complete idiots.

1.) A definition of George W. Bush may seem irrelevant to some history-deprived browser twenty years from now.

2.) I'm an agnostic atheist, but I wouldn't promote that and impose it on people online.

3.) I don't even want to talk about this.

Urban Dictionary

by I'm just a freak October 9, 2012

11👍 1👎

Stay Evil

Something I simply must tell you all.

Hey world, stay evil.

by I'm just a freak October 8, 2012


Someone with nothing left to lose, absolutely fucking nothing aside from life itself.

When you're a gangsta, NOTHING can be more be more important to you than your gang. Your family, your freedom, your education, your friends, and your motherfuckin' life are subordinate to the gang.

This has always been true in any gang in any time period. Al Capone didn't give a fuck about his men either.

by I'm just a freak December 24, 2013

9👍 2👎