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Hot Topic

A store that sells shirts, pants, sweatshirts, buttons, and all the other usual clothing/accessory store things. Now known as the "goth" or "emo" store. Some people get the idea that they are "different" for shopping there.

Wear what you want. Not what you want people to see as different. If you just wear what you want because of who you are, you will be different.

It's not the fashion that defines your personality. Fashion is fairly pointless. Personality isn't. I shop at hot topic. But that's not what makes me who I am. It's probably my hatred towards animals and people that make me who I am.

Fashion should reflect personality, not vice versa. If fashion defines your personality, then you're probably shallow without realising it and materialistic. But hey, if that's who you want to be.

by I'm not a person anymore. March 22, 2006

23👍 8👎


Someone who believes in what they believe in. And isn't afraid to say it. Strong-willed. Doesn't "conform". Individal. Often anti-authority. Does what they want. Thinks for themselves.

Unfortunately, rebels are now considered rednecks or goths. And most rebels now aren't really rebels. Most rebels conform to the other rebels. Which is just wrong on multiple levels. The term and true meaning of rebel has been slaughtered. Bashed. Destroyed. Cliche-ified.

I read books because I'm a TRUE rebel.

by I'm not a person anymore. March 6, 2006

682👍 359👎