America stands for I am Erica.
Because if you put the 2 together
and take away the periods you
get America!
Erica: You can't spell America without Erica!
Me: Your right! 'Cause if you take Erica away it's just am, wait! that would mean America is named after someone saying I am-Erica!
Hospital stands for Home Of Sick People Including Treatment And Labour.
Define Hospital: (2 Person act)
Person 1: I went to the hospital for my check-up and saw sick people, people in labour and people getting rash treatments and then I realized...
Person 2: That Hospital stands for Home Of Sick People Including Treatment And Labour.
Person 1: No, but that's cool, I realized that eye, ear, and feet, doctors have their own separate stores!
The End
Cities are the plural noun for a City.
A City is a place. So Cities must be many City.
but instead of many City, we say Cities.
"We are going to see lots of CITIES in the upcoming month." Instead of;
"We are going to see lots of CITY in the upcoming month." The city is not proper in this sentence.
The 4 elements that "make" Earth
The 4 Elements:
Fire, Water, Air and Earth
(3 Person act)
Person 1: Hey! What is your favourite element?
Person 2: What do you mean?
Person 3: You know, the 4 elements!
Person 2: I'm still not catching on.
Person 3: Fire, Water, Air and Earth!
Person 2: OH!The 4 elements! Now I get it.
Person 1: So, What's your favourite?
Person 2: right the question, umm... I guess water!
Person 3: Uh everyone always picks water! Why never Earth, It hurts Earth's feelings!
Person 1: Well I was just going to say my favourite is Earth and Air and Fire and Water.
Person 3: Good, your first favourite is Earth and your last favourite is Water. And to answer your question mine is Earth!
Person 2: Ya, I suspected!
The End
Define 4 elements The 4 elements are Fire, Water, Air and Earth and there fun to write stories with.