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When your about to stick the tip in then you back a bit starts cawing and flapping your arms and swoop in

Why the fuck are you swooping on me, just stick it in

by I'mJustGonnaBeOverHere April 12, 2018

Act of Michido

Attempting to get with a child that is either 12 years of age or less.

Alex: Oh no, Brian look. Tyrone is performing another act of michido.
Brian: Isn't that the 12th time this week?
Alex: I think its the 16th, he was going after a group when you were in the bathroom.

by I'mJustGonnaBeOverHere March 21, 2017

Penis sorcery

When you cast a spell with your penis.

That was totally penis sorcery.

by I'mJustGonnaBeOverHere September 22, 2016

3👍 2👎