Neglecting your child. Allowing your relatives to look after them for most of the time because you want to get drunk and high all the time. Proceeding to abandon your child because you want to go to a barbecue which is much more important than your child, right?
Continuing to haunt your child by constantly making outrageous claims to the police in order to ruin their life.
"she really just left her kid to get drunk and high all the time. A barbecue is not as important as a child."
"and she is continuing to haunt them by constantly making outrageous claims to the police."
"Are they trying to ruin that kid's life? That's so cruel."
"Isn't there a word fir this peculiarly specific situation. "
"yeah, the leanne move."
When you shove a shoe up your partners arsehole and casually teabag their face whilst eating a Mr whippy and listening to ragtime music
"yes we had a flower pussy"
When you hump the ground with your tongue lolling out because you need some good dick.
"the absolute desperation"
The strange waddle your 99 year old cat does whilst salivating everywhere and walking towards a busy road, completely prepared to end their existence.
The cat will usually make a sick 'thump' noise when the car hits them.
A girl who accuses you of attacking her with a hairdryer outside of a hotel and denying it when you confront her.
"That Bitch can go burn in hell"
When you shove a cold icepop in a girls vag whilst her arms are cuffed behind her. Nipple clamps and all!!!
"We totally had a slut fuck last night. It was freezing"