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bull daggers

This is a prison term for macho lesbians.

Look, the lieutenant is taking 2 bull daggers to lockdown!

by I, Wreckerrr November 17, 2020

98👍 11👎

Critter shitter

A nasty, smelly toilet.

GAWDDDD, Bruto has a real critter shitter in his apartment!

by I, Wreckerrr November 3, 2016

she turns heads

There are two meanings to this phrase. The first is a woman turns heads due to her beauty, the second is she turns heads away so they won't vomit at an unattractive person!

She is so beautiful that she turns heads!

by I, Wreckerrr December 14, 2020

psych buzzword bingo

This describes the overuse of PSYCHOBABBLE terms by unqualified amateurs.

Saffron says that her narc, BPD SO with anger issues devalued her truth, l said "psych buzzword bingo!"

by I, Wreckerrr May 5, 2021

mouth maggots

These are window warriors who talk tough but can't back it up.

He said he would kick ass? Hahaha Bahahaha, he is just got mouth maggots!

by I, Wreckerrr April 23, 2021

focus on Uranus

Does the Navy use the stars to navigate, or do they just focus on Uranus?

Does the Navy use the stars to navigate, or do they just focus on Uranus?

by I, Wreckerrr February 7, 2021

link or lie

This is a challenge on online debate sites. If you doubt someone's claim you insist on EVIDENCE by a link to that or you assume their claim is a lie.

You claim the investigation was a sham, ok EVIDENCE - link or lie?

by I, Wreckerrr September 24, 2020