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Preppy girls are snobby bitches that criticize people that arent rich and wear lables.They makes peoples lifes hell sometimes!They think some who is diffrent from them is a freak when they dont even know the freakin person.
They walk around like they are the shit and wear little ribbons in their hair with their louis vuitton handbag that cost way to much,and think they can do what ever the hell they want just because they are "popular".For the people who are preps you need to get a effing life! there is way more to life then being popular and expensive clothes,when anyone mentions the words thrift shop they automatically think you are poor and gross and tease you for it because you cant afford Gucci and the other shit they wear.
They care way to much about what people think of them,and spread crap that isnt even true,and the stuff that is true shouldnt be spread all over the school,all they do is gossip and hurt peoples feelings.

Prep:Look at my new sweater...it only costs $123,000.00
Anti-prep or who ever:omfg thats so cool...not!that costs more then my freakin house you dumb bitch!!!!

by I HATE PREPS...they suck Balls!!! July 11, 2006

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