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The Browning

One of the worst band ever to come out in a long time. The best way they can be described is if Daft Punk got raped by Bring me the Horizon, The Browning would be the Bastard Love child. They are a very shitty mix of Techno and Grindcore/Deathcore.

The name The Browning doesn't lie. It does leave a brown stain.

by I am naked in the tub July 4, 2013

1👍 16👎

Symphonic Black Metal

Symphonic Black Metal is essentially the Black Metal equivalent of Melodic Death Metal, only (as the name states) is more related to a symphony.

Symphonic Black Metal uses Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboards, and on occasions Symphony instruments such as Violins, Cellos, etc.

Dimmu Borgir is my favorite Symphonic Black Metal band.

by I am naked in the tub December 10, 2011

13👍 1👎

Little Neck Clam

the Art of putting a woman's vagina on the back of someone's neck

Jody gave Greg a Little Neck Clam in front of 3 camcorders.

by I am naked in the tub April 28, 2012

1👍 1👎