A private school is a school which you have to pay fees or have a scholarship or bursary to get into. Most seem to assume that everyone who goes to a private school is rich, white, sheltered and preppy. This is incorrect; I speak as a private school girl of four years who came from three state schools before when I say that only about 1% of my school matches this description.
Only about ten percent of people at the average private school in London are white.
Only a few people are excessively rich as well. For example some families work like hell so their child can go to a private school on a bursary or scholarship, which is even after fees are cut. This is mostly not because of a prejudice against state schooling, but because the parents believe their child would flourish in that particular school. The few who are rich at private schools generally aren't snobby like shown on TV.
Being at private school also doesn't mean that you are sheltered from the real world. We know what drugs are, we know what poverty is and we also have kids with their own problems. I know a girl who works for three hours a day and seven on weekends so she can support her family and pay school fees after her 70% scholarship.
Overall, private school stereotypes are merely a stupid generalisation for normal kids who just have wear a uniform and pay fees.
So don't call it a place where parents send their kids because they are rich, racist or snobby, because it is untrue.
Mum: honey, we'll be working some extra shifts for the next week
Child: you don't have to do this for me to go to a private school
Mum: well its worth it if you can continue to achieve things and persue your passions.
Person a: does she go to our school?
Person b:no
Person a: ugh does she go to private school, she must be a total snob.
Person b: grow up.
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