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Communism is an economic system made by Karl Marx and Fedrick englies. It's a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless, society with many different variations such as Maoism, Guevaraism, Lenism, and many more which are all based on Marxism. There are many different arguments against Communism and Socialism like "CoMuNism killed 100 million people lol" or " CoMuNism prevents innovation lol" and many of these arguments are false and I suggest watching a video from the scary spooky socialist who debunks many of these claims. Also Im from Guatemala, Socailsm was going great until the US fucked it up. Also there has never been a socialist or communist country before, just because their country is called People republic of North Korea does not mean its run by the people or is it a republic just an example.

Communism eliminates private property not personal property. Obviously people aren't going to share toothbrushes

by I dont know any good name October 8, 2020