An annoying ass bitch that does nothing but hate everyone but the teacher, some variants of this creature are fortnite kids, but they snitch on literally everything and everyone, always telling you "I'm telling." Before walking away.
Damn that teachers pet.
He snitched on me for accidently tripping someone.
That fucking teachers pet.
Grass is a type of plant with narrow leaves growing from the base. Their appearance as a common plant was in the mid-Cretaceous period. There are 12,000 species now. Grass typically grows from soil or dirt. When you look out the window like a Genshin player (only real g's actually go outside,) you likely find green plants stemming out of dirt, and a lot of it. This is grass. Grass needs to be cut every once in a while to make sure it doesn't overgrow.
Timmy went outside to touch some grass.
The word that defines school.
Ex: OH no not the yellow bus
*couple minutes.later*
Welcome to hell.
Oh no the yellow bus is taking me to hell! (School)