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Justin is so much all in one. He is talented, intelligent, creative and very handsome. He is unsure of himself sometimes. He’s been through a lot. A lot that he doesn’t speak about. Because what would it matter anyway? In his younger years he rebelled and caused many problems for himself and those that love him. Probably a result of not having proper guidance and feeling alone and unloved. Now he feels that this is just the way things are. That he can’t correct anything so there’s no need to try. When he does he just messes things up anyway or it will go unnoticed because all he is is a screw up.. thats Justin’s mindset...And to numb that pain he turns to addiction. What Justin doesn’t know is how special he is. How beautiful he is. Even in his darkest moments. An absolute beautiful creature. He is far more than what he surrounds himself with! All the miserable feelings he has will turn around if he just gives life a chance. Makes the plunge and tries something different . Justin can have it ALL. a beautiful life. A business of his own. A family of his own. The whole shabang!! Justin can change the world!!! If Justin would let Justin change Justin !!! He has so much more than he knows already! He has what most men spend a life time looking for, a woman that would lay down their life for him. Justin knows he has to repair his own wounds and heal himself before he can fix ANYTHING else.... Justin just doesn’t know if he ever will. The clock is ticking

“That girl is so crazy for still dealing with that Justin dude... you seen the shit he’s done to her bro??”
“Yeah...She loves him more than she loves herself ....”
“How come us good guys don’t get girls like that?”
“Maybe Justin got the last one...”

by I love you NNN November 22, 2020