Source Code

Full Goose Bozo

Totally Crazy

That broad was full goose bozo.

by I made the man October 5, 2009

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Toilet paper.

See KYBO (an outhouse or bathroom. Stands for Keep Your Bowels Open.)

Also called Kyb Tape.

Hey, we're out of Kybo Tape.

When you at the store, we need more Kyb tape.

by I made the man January 14, 2019


Yiddish - A fat, lazy, stupid woman. lazy fat stupid.

Someone who 'rains on your parade' always bringing people down. A party pooper.

That neighbor of ours is a shtoonk

by I made the man April 13, 2019

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Jockey Box

Verb -- the act of car prowling -- to find unlocked cars (at night), open the doors, and see what you can get -- mostly from the glove compartment (or 'jockey box').

Rafael and Junior was out jockey boxin' on the boulevard last night. They got themselves some dope shit. Until the heat came up on 'em and did some head thrumpin'.

by I made the man February 21, 2018


An outhouse. Or any bathroom.

Acronym for:
Bowels Open

After eating those three bean burrito deluxes, I need to get to a Kybo quick

by I made the man January 14, 2019


adverb, (schmahz); A cluster-f*ck situation. Total and continual confusion when it should be a simple thing.

Every time I'm supposed to meet up with Debbie somewhere, it always becomes a schmauz.

I went to the DMV to get my driver's license renewed, and it turned out to be a total schmauz.

by I made the man May 11, 2018


A person who separates you from your money.
Usually a con(fidence) man or other slickster.

I thought she loved me, but she was just a separator. Now she's gone and so is half of my 401K.

by I made the man April 13, 2019

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