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Aurora, a kind girl with a heart of gold pretty confident but hangs out with the wrong group she’s a great person with a great personality she’s beautiful kind smart and sometimes sporty but like I said she hangs out with a horrible group of friends some of them can be nice but yet again they hang out with the wrong people and eventually let’s just say they get quote on quote infected you could say, she always makes her quote on quote friends Seem amazing kind and generous but really they’re not in reality there is opposite to aurora! She’s just to kind to realise it because they like the same sort of stuff as her like Tik Tok you tubers trending sports etc! Anyways you kinda get the picture aurora is a great person but her friends are bitches!

Her oh that’s Aurora she has a heart of gold and is great!

Aurora beautiful girl!

by I need more sleep513 June 10, 2021


If you don’t have a lily in your life you need to get one! Lily is an amazing person with a amazing! Yet strange personality She can have a good fashion sense but it does it take awhile for her to get there however no matter what she prefers comfy over fashionable!She loves all sorts of animals and to be honest when she’s older she’s probably going to live somewhere in the bush or woods! She likes reading as well as watching TV with you and and really has a strange but yet cool voice oh yeah and did I forget to mention she can never whisper no matter how much she tries kind of funny to be honest ! She has a lot of trust in people and it’s hard for her to let go of a friendship, she tries to give as much as she can She doesn’t want to hug you that’s a sign that you’ve done something wrong OOPS! ( YOU! Better fix that ) she usually gets given strange but yet kind of cool nicknames and no I don’t mean she gives you that I mean she always gets given strange nicknames sometimes to do with ducks geese or birds even bears! Weird, But she always has a burst of creativity she usually can either be super good with maths or art or perhaps even both! And for some reason despite a lot of her intelligence she sometimes seems super dumb and I don’t mean maths wise I mean just generally and it’s kind of strange since usually she’s usually really smart she just has those weird moments where she just loses a few brain cells or something I don’t know she just turns into Denki from mha idk!

Lily kind loyal friend for ever!
Lily a strange girl but great personality and loyalty!

( hope you enjoyed)

by I need more sleep513 June 10, 2021