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Single women dating over 50

An ad you get while in school searching on here instead of working. Yeah that's right, I caught you. Get back to work.

Person 1: Hey dude, what is that ad?
Person 2: Single women dating over 50..?
Person 1: Lol you could use that.
Person 2: Fuck you. I'm not that old.

by I worship jerethy, our saviour April 11, 2022

27👍 1👎


Jerethy is our lord and saviour. He will save us all, his blue fur will carry us away with the ocean..... Then drown us all who never believed... >:)

Hey have you heard of Jerethy?
Yeah, he's the best!

by I worship jerethy, our saviour April 8, 2022


Something somebody would write in the hopes of not learning in class. Well guess what, Did you know you just spelt every word in the english dictionary writing that out? Now you do. Now pay attention.

Person 2: What are you doing??
Person 1: Being bored.
Person 2: Fair enough-

by I worship jerethy, our saviour April 11, 2022