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When two people get together and align ass holes together. One of the two people begin to defecate. (this person is normally referred to as the "Mexican") The shit eventually crosses into the other person if it is stiff enough. (the one who is taking the blow is normally referred to as the "Trump Supporter")

"bro, lets do some good old fashioned BorderCrossing"
"Nah bro, I'm a Hillary supporter"

by ICYCOLD September 24, 2016

1👍 3👎

Hole in the ground

Hole in the ground is a nice way of saying your a Hoe.

Stop being a hole in the ground

by ICYCOLD November 4, 2017

2👍 1👎

Hole in the ground

It's a nice way of saying Hoe

Stop being a hole in the ground.

by ICYCOLD November 4, 2017