1.) From an obscure short story called Ballad of the Flexible Bullet, by Stephen King; nothing but good, wholesome, all American terror and gore. Fornits are a manifestation of insanity in the form of very small, beings who live under the keyboards of writers and who ghost write brilliant, award-winning work by jumping up and down on the keys.
2.) A popular site, which is home to a variety of open and, for the most part, unmoderated forums, primarily dealing with the Troubled Teen industry, with a couple of lifestyle/general interest topics into the mix.
1.) Don't look at me... The fornits had me write it!
2.) I got the low-down on what was going on at Fornits.
94👍 14👎
1.) From an obscure short story called Ballad of the Flexible Bullet, by Stephen King; nothing but good, wholesome, all American terror and gore. Fornits are a manifestation of insanity in the form of very small, beings who live under the keyboards of writers and who ghost write brilliant, award-winning work by jumping up and down on the keys.
2.) A popular site, which is home to a variety of open and, for the most part, unmoderated forums, primarily dealing with the Troubled Teen industry, with a couple of lifestyle/general interest topics into the mix.
1.) Don't look at me... the fornits had me write it!
2.) I got the low-down on the place at Fornits.
49👍 9👎