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A unisex name that can be used for girls and boys. A girl Uche is very pretty and has good fashion. She is quite popular on Instagram and has the best model looking like pictures. She has up to 100 friends or more. She is obsessed with her thighs and her butt. She's fixated on getting Thic. She probably wants to be a doctor, specifically a pediatrician. Hates the sight of blood, but wants to be a doctor 🤦🏽 ♀️. Is very social and loves money. Also knows how to braid hairs and other stuff. And probably did track in high or secondary school

Uche's phone is always beeping because she has a lot of friends.

Uche's are funny, weird, and love food.

How do Uche's eat so much and barely get fat?

by ILoveMeganTheeStallion February 18, 2021