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An ecophile is a person who is literally "in love" with the environment. The way one person falls in love with another, ecophiles love the earth that way. They're usually disturbed people.

"Eww, he's kissing the ground! Is he some kind of ecophile?"

"She was best friends with an ecophile and he only ever wanted to sleep outside."

by ILoveMyTulpa November 23, 2014

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mad catter

A mad catter is a recluse or hermit who keeps cats around and lives in secluded or abandoned places. The term comes from the movie Logan's Run, and is a pun on the phrase 'mad hatter'.

The old man living in the abandoned barn on the outskirts of town is keeping so many cats with him, by the time he's dead he'll be a mad catter.

by ILoveMyTulpa September 6, 2014


Eco-sinner has two meanings. An accidental Eco-sinner is someone who desecrates the environment without meaning to because they are uneducated about what the impact they have on the planet is. An intentional Eco-sinner is a person who is highly educated on pollution but loves pollution and hates the environment, going out of their way to pollute because they enjoy something within pollution such as the look of it or its impact on the environment. They aren't sadists but will knowingly do things like littering and pouring chemicals on the ground. The term Eco-sinner goes back to the books Confessions of an Eco-Sinner by Brad Pearce, and No Place for Eco-Sinners by Racheal Bates.

She's such an Eco-sinner, she poured bleach on the grass just because she wanted to pollute the earth!

He's an Eco-sinner but he has no idea that he should be recycling his cans, not throwing them in the garbage.

by ILoveMyTulpa September 5, 2014


To pollute means to introduce a substance or object into an ecosystem that is unwanted by anything living there. Some people pollute by mistake or because they have no choice, others because they like pollution and want to annoy narrow-minded environmentalists.

That girl wants to pollute the river by dumping Windex in it just because she likes pollution.

That man is a wealthy industrialist whose factory pollutes the sky.

by ILoveMyTulpa September 5, 2014

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An Eco-Saint is somebody who hates pollution and dedicates their life to helping the environment. They are extreme hypocrites and use violence to force others into their moral code. They go out of their way to threaten and potentially hurt Eco-Sinners, and can secretly be very twisted individuals. When they band together they become a large threat. It is nearly impossible to reason with an Eco-Saint because they think they are always right and are afraid to hear they may be wrong.

The protest against the clear-cutting wouldn't have been so dangerous if the protestors weren't such a bunch of Eco-Saints.

by ILoveMyTulpa September 6, 2014

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