Why did you even search for this?
Why are you even searching for qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890+Ã÷=%_â¬Â£Â¥â©!@#$/^&*()-'":;,?`~\|<>{}°â¢âââ¡â â¤â¡ââ§ââªÂ¤ãã¡¿ on urban dictionary please do something with your life.
That weird thing everyone tells you to touch but you don't believe it exists cos you've never seen it before.
Friend: Go touch some damn grass bro!
Me: Strange, everyone seems to tell me to touch this strange object you call grass.
Hiroshima is when you microwave something thinking you don't have to again. When you do have to microwave something again it is called Nagasaki.
I needed to Hiroshima my microwavable popcorn, not knowing I would need to Nagasaki them.
When you are butthurt so much that you have cardiac arrest and a seizure at the same time and then explode. 100% fatality rate.
When furry boxing to the death became illegal, Kevin was buttkilled