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It’s when your body is like a engine right. You got spark plugs, you got your transmission, you got your axles…etc. Your body is the engine, so you have been using your body right? So in an engine you have a intake filter right? So it’s when yours body’s using fuel injected system instead of a carburator. So how does (injectin) mean In a sentence.
- I’m mean, my body injectin.

A - So my body’s injectin, that’s why I’m upset.

B - We’re fucking injectin, we’re mad.
- What the fuck injectin, that’s when people mean looking.

A - WTF they’re injectin.

B - Bitch, why they injectin.

You be around injectin, you became injectin, injectin is around us then.
When you become injectin, other people start injectin.

by INjectin December 29, 2022