Source Code

picket fencing

(Repeater Term) A condition experienced on VHF and above where a signal rapidly fluctuates in amplitude causing a sound akin to rubbing a stick on a picket fence. If a repeater user's signal isn't strong enough to maintain solid access to the machine's input (such as when operating from a vehicle passing beneath underpasses or through hilly terrain), the signal would be hard to copy because of a pronounced, rapid fluttery or choppy characteristic.

We can't copy you, you're picket fencing really badly.


11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

yellow journalism

The use of cheaply sensational or unscrupulous methods in newspapers to attract and influence the readers.

99.3% of what is in tabloid newspapers is yellow journalism.

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY December 26, 2003

102πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


It's Centreville High School

CVHS sucks

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY November 13, 2003

22πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


see also:
Fairfax High School

my life is filled with bordom, i must go to fairfax high school

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY November 13, 2003

9πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Dependency Theory

A theory that argues that, due to the exploitative nature of the relationship between advanced capitalist (western) societies and the Third World, the development of the former resulted in the underdevelopment of the latter. Because of its reliance on external sources of demand and investment opportunities, Western capitalism penetrated virtually all parts of the Third World and eventually laid down the foundations of dominance-dependence relationship structures between North and South which tended to engender and perpetuate underdevelopment in the Third World. According to this theory, exchanges between the North and the South, such as trade, foreign investment, and aid, are asymmetric and tend to stifle the development of the latter and to reinforce their dependence. The theory also contends that local elites with vested interest in the structure of dominance and in monopolizing (monopoly) domestic power cooperate with international capitalist elites to perpetuate the international capitalist system.

See also HF allocation, the example.


49πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Short for "Radio Telephone Operator"

"RTO" is a military term for a radio operator or a radioman, usally the guy with the manpack PRC-77 or PRC-117 radio on thier back, with large antenna and telephone headset microphone.

"Johnson! get the RTO over here and tell HQ they've got RPGs!


81πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Song by the Smashing Pumpkins on both their Mellon Collie and the infinite sadness and Greatest Hits CDs.

Shakedown 1979, cool kids never have the time
On a live wire right up off the street
You and I should meet
Junebug skipping like a stone
With the headlights pointed at the dawn
We were sure we'd never see an end to it all
And I don't even care to shake these zipper blues
And we don't know
Just where our bones will rest
To dust I guess
Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below
Double cross the vacant and the bored
They're not sure just what we have in store
Morphine city slippin dues down to see
That we don't even care as restless as we are
We feel the pull in the land of a thousand guilts
And poured cement, lamented and assured
To the lights and towns below
Faster than the speed of sound
Faster than we thought we'd go, beneath the sound of hope
Justine never knew the rules,
Hung down with the freaks and the ghouls
No apologies ever need be made, I know you better than you fake it
To see that we don't even care to shake these zipper blues
And we don't know just where our bones will rest
To dust I guess
Forgotten and absorbed into the earth below
The street heats the urgency of sound
As you can see there's no one around

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY December 31, 2004

217πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž