The term "hazardmobile" generally refers to a small reddish domestic car (Ford) driven by a crazy irishman (who goes to Fairfax High School). The hazardmobile (OR hazard mobile) usally has a small amber (or yellow) light on the roof of the car. It also has a VHF-FM two-way radio installed in it. Because the irishman is crazy, the car also has a manual tranmission in it and an incredibly small engine.
See the red car with the yellow police flasher on the roof and the large antenna on the trunk. Yup. That's the hazardmobile.
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A referance to an internet e-mail/email mailing list.
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The most unorganized police angency in the history of mankind, known for racial profiling, being in every single cop movie, in every police case where people are run over by tanks.
The LAPD also has a UHF communications network that rivals that of most european countries.
so please, if your gonna smoke weed, do it in LA, you'll never get cought
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high speed connection to the internet
44.736 mbps
I wish i could have a T3 line.
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Citizen's Band radio service:
radio frequency range, worldwide service:
26.965 to 27.405 MHz
still used all across the USA by truckers for the avoidance of police officers cops and in the rest of the world by terrorists and FARC
Channel 9- international emergency channel
Channel 19-international calling/trucker channel
"Breaker Breaker one-niner, this is Wohn Jayne, we got smokey on your tail and a beaver in a flop top at your 1 o'clock"
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Here are some common emergency frequencies:
(in MHz)
000.5000 International Distress (CW)
002.1820 International Distress
002.6700 Calling to US Coast Guard
004.1250 Calling/Distress
006.2155 Calling/Distress
008.2570 Calling/Distress
012.3820 Calling/Distress
016.5220 Calling/Distress
027.0650 CB channel 9, emergency
034.9000 Military Low Band Calling
121.5000 International Distress
156.8000 International Distress
243.0000 International Distress
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