the quantity or extent by which something falls short; deficiency; shortage
This school is a shortfall
45π 4π
Well its like gasoline
In fact, it really is.
Bart: Man i hate mowing the lawn
Homer: Here, use Vitamin G
(grass lites on fire)
Homer: Don't worry it's a "Controlled Burn"
42π 325π
Top 40
a FM radio format that usally plays music thats the top 40 on the charts, they may play music that is (sarcastic gasp) more then 2 years old!!!!
Top 40 stations suck, most of the good music is older, and is rock/alternative rock.
"I hate Top 40 stations"
165π 57π
The term "freeband" pretty much refers to the 25.1000 MHz (25100.0 kHz) to 28.0000 MHz (28000.0 kHz) band, although people do operate "freeband" above those ranges, and into the 10-meter ham radio band (which is REALLY illegal). Freeband comes from the 26.9650 to 27.4050 MHz CB radio band. Because of heavy use of this band al around the world (in all modes, AM, SSB, FM). People started to modify thier CB radios to operate above or below (usally above, in the 27.4150 to 28.775 MHz range) the normal CB band. Really, this band has very little users, the military and government have a few channels, and 28.000 to 29.700 is ham radio, and there are a few channels allocated to the Forest Products Radio Service/Business Radio Pool.
The most common modulation mode is SSB.
The international calling frequency is 27.555 MHz (27555.0 kHz)
The DX-949 is a common freeband radio.
51π 98π
a radio receiver that can quickly switch between two or more channels (today's scanners usally have more then 500 channels) and then stop when the frequency is active. Used by criminals and radio operators to listent to pretty much everything from the police officer asking his buddy to get him more doughnuts and your cordless phone.
"yeah man, i just got a hit on the scanner, the cops are after some black guy"
55π 7π
USAF radio code for command post or any other station that somewhat has command over something. Not used in UHF communications band. It is mostly the VHF tactical communications band (30 to 50 MHz)
Dapper Dan, this is alpha six, we have the enemy engaged.
56π 85π
An English company formed in 1600 to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia; in the 18th century it assumed administrative control of Bengal and held it until the British army took over in 1858 after the Indian Mutiny
I have no idea why I am putting this definition in here, after all, its an urbandictionary, and this is history.
37π 9π