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transmitter testing

When I'm bored, I go "transmitter testing". This generally refers to me picking a random VHF frequnecy and transmitting music over it. Because I have a Vertex VX-150 as well as a 35-watt VHF amplifier attached to it the range is about 20 or miles, depending on if I am transmitting at full power or fractional power levels. I like to chose frequencies that are not being used, generally its a business radio service frequency or Marine VHF channel. I have however, transmitted over weatheradio (162.400 to 162.550 MHz) channels are that really pisses people off.

This is all, of course, illegal.

Guy who lives next to me: "How come all I hear on my weatheradio is Jimi Hendrix and Men At Work?"

Me: "I'm just transmitter testing"


17👍 8👎


kickass rock band

I cannot believe this is the only true definition of Fuel on this website.

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY December 21, 2003

69👍 52👎

spread spectrum

A signal struc­turing tech­nique that employs direct se­quence, frequency hopping or a hybrid of these, which can be used for multiple access and/or multiple func­tions. This technique decreases the potential interfer­ence to other receivers while achieving privacy and increasing the immunity of spread spec­trum receivers to noise and interference. Spread spec­trum generally makes use of a sequential noise­‑like signal structure to spread the normally narrow­band informa­tion signal over a relatively wide band of frequencies. The receiver corre­lates the signals to retrieve the origi­nal informa­tion signal (NTIA)

Normal scanners cannot get spread spectrum transmissions.


2👍 3👎

Windows Media Player

Pretty good program, considering its made by microsoft. Although its really bad about slowing my computer down (it is an HP, which sucks)

Running, Call of Duty, AIM, Norton Antivirus and listening to my Smashing Pumpkins CD on Windows Media Player....computer actully slows down....thank you Windows XP


53👍 158👎


The popular name for the monastic order called the Society of Jesus. The order was founded by Ignatius de Loyola in 1534, and was recognized by the pope in 1540. The mission of the Jesuits was in three areas: teaching, service to the nobility, and missionary work in foreign lands. Their greatest mark was made in education, and the Collegio Romano was their primary seminary.

See above....wait, the example is too short???

by IRISHREPUBLICANARMY December 29, 2004

120👍 42👎

foot warmer

CB radio slang for an illegal amplifier (usally a modified 10/12 meter ham radio amp.) which brings the 4W AM (12W SSB). output to something like 1000 watts or sometimes higher. As a result, the 26.965 to 27.405 MHz band is littered with stations jamming a single channel and not allowing anyone else to use it (AM does not have the "capture effect" that FM does.) because that person is using a "foot warmer" and it congests the frequency so much that it is unusable, and in turn, more people buy "foot warmers" to combat this interferance from distant stations, and thus the cycle continues.

If everyone who used illegal amplifiers was to stop using thier illegal equipment, range and interferance problems would lessen even for those who abandoned thier illegal equipment.

Dude! Hide your foot warmer, here comes uncle charlie!

Roger that, CRYSTAL PALACE BASE CONTROL has a foot warmer.


8👍 6👎

new year's day

the day after new year's eve

Jan 1st.


22👍 57👎