A mythical creature that only exists in legends and is often seen by drunking irishman.
Used by irish parents to scare their kids.
see irish
If you keep acting that way, you are going to grow up and become sober!
253👍 72👎
A billion, i.e. , 10(9), floating point operations per second.
Only supercomputers can run that fast..idiot
16👍 9👎
Irregular scattered patches of relatively dense ionization that develop seasonally within the E region and that reflecÂt and scatter frequencies up to 150 MHz. Note 1: The sporadic E is a regular dayÂtime occurrence over the equatorial regions and is common in the temperÂate latitudes in late spring, early summer and, to a lesser degree, in early winter. Note 2: At high, i.e., polar, latitudes, sporadic E can accompany auroras and associated disturbed magnetic conditions. Note 3: The sporadic E can sometimes support reflecÂtions for distances up to 1000 miles or more at frequencies up to 150 MHz
I got some nice 6-meter DX contacts with yesterday's sporadic E.
5👍 2👎
Freezing rain occurs when the tempurature in the cloud and directly below the cloud are above freezing (32 degrees F), and the ground or surfaces that the rain hits are below 32 degrees. The result is big enough to shut the Washington DC metro area down for a few days.
We had freezing rain last night, so they cancelled school for a week.
11👍 4👎
1) a device used to send out information (see radio) usally an AM or FM broadcast transmitter, a waste of power, some AM stations use 40,000,000 watts, and your radio picks up like 0.0001 watts, pretty neat system, altough most radio systems consist of two or more transceivers that can send and recive radio waves without the need for a T/X switch.
"The WTOP-AM 1500 transmitter is jamming my TV"
28👍 13👎
see also successful failure
Less then one year after man first walked on the moon Apollo 13 was simply a "routine" flight until a faulty thermostat caused an oxygen canister to explode, blowing an entire side of the spacecraft away, the ship eventally starts leaking oxygen and the crew (Jim Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise) have to survive in the Lunar Module until they can safely make it back to earth. But they didn't get to play with moom rocks.
48👍 29👎
Rapid Eye Movement
a great rock band whos best records are probably "Out Of Time" "Document" and "Automatic For The People"
they sing about what rock 'n' roll was orginnally about, being against mainstream society, but some so-called rock music see punk-pop and MTV hs distorted what REM really is, listen to the lyrics on "Its The End Of The World As We Know It" and "Losing My Religion"
all in all a pretty good band, up there with the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Led Zeppelin
"Man R.E.M. and rock alltogether rocks, MTV and rap sucks gay cock"
338👍 149👎