The DX-949 is an AM/SSB CB radio.
It covers 26.965 to 27.405 but can easliy be moded to cover from 26 to 28 MHz, making it a nice freeband radio.
use 27.555 MHz for calling in USB mode.
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one who is addicted to adding definitions to
Hi, my name is (insert name here) and i am an urbanaddict
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1) The treat something with a medication or drug.
2) To fall in love with someone, lovesick
3) see also the song "Dosed" by
the Red Hot Chili Peppers
(lyrics to song "dosed")
I got dosed by you
Closer than most to you
what am I supposed to do
Take it away I never had it anyway
Take it away and everything will be okay
In you a star is born
you cut a perfect form
someone forever warm
lay on
Way upon the mountain where she died
all I ever wanted was your life
deep inside the canyon I can't hide
all I ever wanted was your life
Show love with no remorse
climb onto your seahorse
this ride is right on course
this is the way I wanted it to be with you
this is the way I knew that it would be with you
Way upon the mountain where she died
all I ever wanted was your life
deep inside the canyon I can't hide
all I ever wanted was your life
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actresses (usally from a forein country) having sex with people in high places in the movie industry in order to get a role in a movie, also speading pornograpy throgh currupting teenage boys. See the lyrics in the song "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
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A phenomenon on FM transmissions where the incoming signal is sufficient to engage the receiver limiters - thus eliminating the noise due to amplitude fluctuations.
"Roger that Ground Team Alpha, we got you full quieting."
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Ultra High Frequency
-radio transmissions from 300 to 3000 MHz
-the old TV broadcast band, channels 14 to 69.
-a really good album by Wierd Al Yankovic
-any radio system operating in the 300 to 3000 MHz range
-the military aircraft communications band
"Roger Maverick, switch to UHF 365.45"
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