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People like Chirac, Shroeder who have such blind hate and generalization of America that they would sell weapons to communist China and endanger Taiwanese lives and anyone else just to get their point across.

I must also mention the fact that France and Germany had secret weapons and oil deals with Saddam Hussein, which is why they opposed the war. Well that is not so secret anymore.

France also donates millions each year to the sub-human PLO and Hamas who blow up civilians and then whine about Isreal.

by I_Hate_Liberals September 3, 2004

52👍 85👎

Saddam Hussein

Tyrannical dictator who brought himself to power amid a power struggle between the Baathists and the royal family who ruled Iraq originally.

Saddam Hussein opressed his people with an iron fist comparable to that of Hitler and his Nazis.

Saddam Hussein supported the Palestinian terror groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Yasser Arafat himself who kill innocent civilians (both Israeli and Palestinian) and then whine about Isreal. Saddam may not have been connected to the attacks of September 11th, 2001, but he did have ties to Al Queda and trained and funded various Al Queda terrorists. This inhcluded Ramsi Youself, the mastermind behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.

True, the US supported him when Iran became an enemy, but that was under the principle of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." But during that era, Britain, France and Germany also supported him, as did Russia and China, so claiming that he was put into power by the US and that the US alone supported him is completely and utterly false (this goes double for the leftists and euro-whiners complaining about the issue here and not doing any real research to get the facts).

Saddam Hussein used the UN's Oil for Food program for his own ends, starving his own people and France and Germany opposed the war because they had huge oil investments with Saddam Hussein. If the US was really after the oil, we would have simply bought it from him instead of going through the trouble of invading (once again that goes double for the clueless europeans and liberals).

Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction. He gassed his own people and refused to disarm them despite a TWELVE YEAR EFFORT by the to pressure him into disarming. Right now, the American and Polish forces are regularly uncovering nerve gas that he was supposed to destroy.

Now Saddam is in custody and will be executed soon.

by I_Hate_Liberals September 9, 2004

550👍 443👎

Kim Jong Il

Somone who needs to be nuked.

A Trident D4 would work nicely.

by I_Hate_Liberals September 5, 2004

781👍 268👎

Nuclear Weapons

Weapons that rely on the energy stored inside atoms for their power.

Weapons that keep us and our allies (like Taiwan) free.

Weapons that should be used on iran, north korea, and saudi arabia.

by I_Hate_Liberals September 5, 2004

100👍 121👎