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A tween (10-13 yrs old) or teenager (13-19 yrs old) who is obsessed with being young and vivacious. This classification of the human specie is often synonymous with fangirls as they are most often female. This does not mean that males are left out.

Generally speaking, the male teenybopper can be classified into the "skater" or "punk" group; "goth" is far too hardcore for their prepubescent bodies.

-freakish grinding at school dances
-shaving not because they need to, but so that the hair will appear darker and thicher; therefore more "adultish"
-underdeveloped genetalia
-stuffed pant crotches
-an excess of makeup/glittery substances
-fangirl t-shirts
-extremely tight pants ... on males
-keeping a diary sealed with a chain and padlock which is kept under mattress

`unfortunately there is no remedy, this spell must be waited out until the aflicted pereson discovers that this illness is annoying/obnoxoius.

Any young person bouncing around consuming pixie stix and bragging about being allowed to go to the mall without parental supervision for the first time.

Any young person with a skateboard and a surfer-bowl haircut saying "hella" or "bitchin" and then then glancing around to be certain that no authoritative adult heard them.

by I_LOVE_LOTR May 10, 2005

163👍 34👎


May be either a small organized group or a large unorganized group of young fanatical females. They suffer an absurd affinity for a randomly chosen object of obsession and base their life/daily schedual around it. Not necessarily a male object of interest although this is most common. Can possibly be a clothing line, makeup brand, latest skater look, and stupid-looking-annoyinf flip-flop sandals made out of cheap mesh and spraypaint.

Many young females are obsessed with Juicy, Ambercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister. This is the only line of clothing they will wear. If they are forced to wear something from Dillard's or Taget they suddenly cone down with a squealy, whiney voice and bitch about how *fat* and *ugly* they look. IMMEDIATE REMEDY: tell them to be quiet and go throw up again.

In a fangir's room, several fangirls sit on the floor and stare at large poster of Orlando Bloom. They do not notice the drool running down their chin.

Many fangirls make t-shirts with Orlando Bloom's face on the chest and wait outside a possible sight-place and scream until their throats bleed. A few may cry and/or faint.

by I_LOVE_LOTR May 8, 2005

543👍 215👎


May be either a small organized group or a large unorganized group of young fanatical females. They suffer an absurd affinity for a randomly chosen object of obsession and base their life/daily schedual around it. Not necessarily a male object of interest, although this is most common. Can possibly be a clothing line, makeup brand, latest skater look, and stupid-looking,annoying flip-flop sandals made out of cheap mesh and spraypaint.

Many young females are obsessed with Juicy, Ambercrombie & Fitch, and Hollister. This is the only line of clothing they will wear. If they are forced to wear something from Dillard's or Taget they are overcome with a squealy, whiney voice and bitch about how *fat* and *ugly* they look.

IMMEDIATE REMEDY: tell them to be quiet and go throw up again.

In a fangir's room, several fangirls sit on the floor and stare at large poster of Orlando Bloom. They do not notice the drool running down their chin.

Many fangirls make t-shirts with Orlando Bloom's face on the chest and wait outside a possible sight-place and scream until their throats bleed. A few may cry and/or faint.

by I_LOVE_LOTR June 9, 2005

21👍 28👎