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A very known troll that likes to insult anyone with a different opinion than his own. Loves to issue death threats. Has a weird obsession with Luke-Jr (of Bitcoins) and foxy (freenode).

redstar wishes he could have foxy. Instead, redstar will try to insult her thinking she will give in to his commands. It will never happen.

by IamFoxy January 17, 2022


IRC-nERDs network is a weed-friendly network for like-minded nerds. You can find some really cool channels like #hogwarts #garuda #linux #nerds

nerd 1: How do I join that cool IRC-nERDs network? nerd 2: Just join using irc.irc-nerds.net

by IamFoxy January 8, 2022


A man that will steal your heart and your soul all in one bite. He is smart. He is handsome. He is protective.

I wish I had myself a bandit.

by IamFoxy June 22, 2022


it could either mean pretty kinky or pre-kinky. it's like Minority Report's precognition, but for sex .

person 1: we can let the boogeyman get ComputerTech

person 2: I do believe the boogeyman has already it's way with ComputerTech
person 3: pkinky

by IamFoxy March 14, 2023


ComputerTech is on every IRC (internet relay chat) network. Has no knowledge of fixing computers. Has the channel #ComputerTech (irc.Rizon.net, irc.Irc-nerds.net).

ComputerTech loves to shag sheep. Sometimes clueless. But in the end, he's a good guy. Friendly. Cares what others say.

ComputerTech loves to shag sheep.

by IamFoxy January 8, 2022