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cock a doodle woo

When a woo girl is our with her friends for a night on the town and either takes home or goes home with a guy and gets dick down that is in fact a cock a doodle woo

What happened to Samantha last night I didn’t see her on the party bus. She went home with that guy in Wranglers I think she got cock a doodle woo

by Iamwebster1307 August 28, 2022


The typical response you use to deal with the typical chef fuck-boy-ar-dee when they come around doing their trashy fuck boy shit.

Listen here you spaghetti-ho, take your fuck boy ass and leave, she told you spaghetti-no…….

by Iamwebster1307 November 22, 2021

Church Of Us

The only real religion since all religions have a tid bit of truth in them but have been manipulated by humans for power and money. We look for some grand truth or deity when we are all drops of the deity that we search for. Once we already realize that we are the amazing gods and goddesses we have been searching for and love is all we needed to activate our true power. ChurchOfUs celebrates humanity and all its potential!!!!

Catholicism is a purge upon the land, when will people wake up and realize they have all the power to shape their reality. Someday the only church will be the church of us

by Iamwebster1307 January 23, 2022


when you’re coughing really hard and all the coughing causes you to almost puke but then you fart

Oh my God I got a throat tickle and I almost Daddywango’d all over the place

by Iamwebster1307 August 28, 2022


Sobor, when you want your friends to think you’ve been sober but you are currently drunk while writing on Facebook that you have been sober xxx days….

Did you see Trae’s FB page, he’s been sober 200 days. Nah bro, he wrote sobor because he drunk now.

by Iamwebster1307 March 21, 2023

Hitting The Narwall

When intelligent people with quick wits have partook in too many recreational substances over too long of a period of time and the funny things they were saying at the beginning of tge party start to fall flat.

“I mean, I get it, after you had to explain it to me, in depth.” “I think you are hitting the Narwall man, take a nap, you look crazy.”

by Iamwebster1307 December 12, 2021

Pinky and the Brain

When a woman is giving a man head and his dick is so far down her throat his balls are in his mouth (See Urban Dictionary entry “Brain”) and she takes her hand around his leg to his butt and slips in her little finger into his anus for added stimulation. However, she does so without telling him first. So as she does he let’s out a little “Narf” as it’s happening…..

“Oh my god, Becky’s head game is next level, she totally gave me a Pinky and the Brain last night. It started me at first, but I was ok with it.”

by Iamwebster1307 July 21, 2024