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The look you'll give someone when they do something very bold or something CrAzY happens to them.

Like if they pull their crush you'll give them the Iceye. The look that says "okay bro I see you!"

Your homie pulls a girl no one else could you'd give them the Iceye look
"He literally had the MOST Iceye look on his face.."

"I had to give him the iceye look"

by Iatemylaptop January 19, 2024


A shy but Amazing girl. She stays in the shadows and is awkward when you first meet her but when you try, she'll break out of her cocoon and turn into a butterfly. She is the savior of all things sweet and gorgeous, the epitome of all things loved and treasured, but she is someone that doesn't know or understand how important she is, for everything from the fact of good of a friend she is to remembering just to clean her room. Her great struggles will not go unrewarded at the end. Everything about her from every strand of her hair to every single toe is just 100% perfect! Everyone who meets her knows that she's someone who will stand next to you. Her music taste is great like every person will love it when and if they were to give it a chance. But be careful you don't get a Pick me version, or an annoying one because those can just leave the earth. Those Sorilees are the most ugly hobo gross girls you'll ever meet. Like their voice just sounds like nails on a chalkboard. The chances of you finding a good one are rare but when you find the good one you'll never want to stop calling them, texting them, etc. The good ones are perfect in every way. When they stop responding will be the worst days of your life but when they do you'll be so happy. Sorilees are different but special, they'll stay with you forever and are so loving and supportive, you'll flex to all your friends when you find one. They're not exactly HOT but they're VERY cute.

Sorilee is amazing

She's so underated

by Iatemylaptop January 19, 2024

lucky as cheese

Something radiating supreme luck! Or the luckiest person on the planet earth

“Any guy would be lucky as cheese to go out with you”
“I’m feeling lucky as cheese today”

by Iatemylaptop June 13, 2024


A dialogue for characters or a story.

SDialogue : A story of were 5 young adults with superpowers whose parent/s went missing and now they all have to reunite to find their parent/s while theres a serial killer on the loose that follows them around killing everyone else around them and tries to kill them, the point of the story is to find the parent/s and figure out who's the killer.
Person 1 explaining the problem
Person 1 looks at Person 2 fiddling with their hands
Person 1 : "Hey Person 2 are you even listening to me right now?"
Person 2 : "Yeah of course!"

Person 1 : "what did I say?"

Person 2 : "Uhh something about celery?"

Person 1 groans : "No I was talking about how Person 4 died.."
Person 2 : "They died?!"

Person 1 groans
Person 3 : "Oh my gosh they're useless."
Person 2 : "Dang.. womp womp."

Person 5 just watches them argue while eating.

by Iatemylaptop January 19, 2024


When you like someone so much to the point you can barely think straight when you see them but you know can't have them.

*Juliee* I really like Ash. I can't stop thinking about him!
*friend* He's taken..
Juliee is in a Taboolove with Ash.

by Iatemylaptop January 19, 2024


Walker is probably the most drop dead ADORABLE guy you'll ever meet. He's sense of humor is just GREAT and he's the best person you'll ever meet. He's someone you can talk to when you're feeling down. Someone that just looks so attractive no matter what. He's probably the best, kindest person you'll ever know. Despite his personality with his friends he actually really cares about them and would take a bullet for them. If you meet a Walker hold on to them for dear life and don't let go. And if his birthday is in Jan you'll never forget them.

I love Walker
Walker made me feel in such a good mood
I hate people that don't like Walker

by Iatemylaptop January 19, 2024