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Snow Cap

1. A trade name for a dank strand of medicinally viable cannabis. It’s a Sativa-dominant hybrid strain. Origins trace it back to Cali.

2. Playful term for referring to someone with completely white, silvery, or pale gray hair. Can refer to someone with dyed hair or who has obtained it from the passage of time. In similar vein to calling your red head friend a “ginger”’or “carrot top”. Compare to: “granny hair”, “all salt”, “cotton top”

3. When spelled as “sno-cap” it refers to a semi sweet chocolate candy you but at movie theaters and only eat during the previews.

4. Just another term for “Ice cap” on a mountain.

1. James said that he’s gonna try Snow cap from dispensary to see if it treats his migraines and anxiety as well as his usual strains.

2. Nana has decided to dye her entire head white and embrace being a snow cap instead of trying to cover up the white patches with brunette dye.

3. Sno caps never taste as satisfying as I expect.

by IbreathAir November 16, 2019

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A common misspelling and mispronunciation of meatarian

Joe Schmo: Haha I’m such a meatatarian!
John Doe: You do realize the “t” in “vegetarian” is because of the word “vegetable/vegetative” right?
Joe Schmo: Stop policing me man it ain’t big shit.
John Doe: By the way, where did you even get the extra “a” from? Meat-at-arian sounds like a code for the directions to join a secret society.

by IbreathAir September 5, 2019

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Sweet tooth

A pussified way of admitting you have sugar addiction

Justin: “Angela pretends like she eats healthy but everyone knows she has the biggest sweet tooth in the family”

by IbreathAir December 24, 2020

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Big Vape

The Vaping industry.

It’s like “Big tobacco” but with vapes

Sheep: I quit cigarettes, now I support big vape!
Dawg: JUUL Is owned Altria stupid. Your money is still supporting big tobacco

by IbreathAir March 14, 2021


Pesco-vegan diets formed by borrowing aspects of pescetarian/pesco-vegetarian & vegan diets.

PescoVegans ARE NOT vegan/vegetarian. By definition, a pesco-vegan qualifies as a pescetarian since they I incorporate seafood (fish &/or shellfish) into their diet sometimes AND choose to abstain from meat consumption (ie; mammals/red meat, other tetrapods/white meat & body tissue of other land animals)

Pesco-vegan diets forbid animal byproducts (ex: eggs & dairy); making it similar to seagan diets & the terms are sometimes interchanged. Pesco-vegans/Seagans often supplement their diets w/ seafood for motives of nutrition, medical issues, healthspan/lifespan longevity & wellbeing

Terminology Names:

Vegetarian = Portmanteau of “Vegetation” & “agrarian”. References vegetarians mainly eat vegetation

Vegan = Formed by narrowing “vegetarian” to only include the beginning & end. Name pattern might reference that options for vegans are narrower than it is for most vegetarians.

Pescetarian = Portmanteau of “pesce” (fish) & “vegetarian.” Name pattern references fish-inclusion (finnedfish &/or shellfish) in an otherwise vegetarian diet.

Pesco-vegan = Formed by affixing “pesco-” (pesco-vegetarian) to “vegan”. Name references it’s pescetarianism but more restrictive in that animal byproducts are eschewed

Seagan = Portmanteau of “Seafood” & “Vegan”. Similar to pesco-vegan or a form of pescovegan

Gen Zer: “None of my offspring, nieces, nephews, cousin’s kids eat meat anymore. They’re hard to cook holiday meals for because they all have different diets & preferences”

Boomer: “Well, I can’t even keep up with all these meatless diets that millennials and zoomers think are so great.”

Gen Zer: “It’s not too complicated. All meat abstainers are either vegetarian or pescetarian…”

Boomer: “That’s it?”

Gen Zer: “Not quite… CLASSIC-vegetarians don’t eat animals but do eat animal byproducts like eggs & dairy. LACTO-Vegetarians are similar but permit dairy & omit eggs. OVO-Vegetarians are similar but permit eggs & omit dairy. VEGAN-vegetarians won’t eat/use any animal sourced foods or products. CLASSIC-Pescetarians eat seafood sometimes but otherwise follow a classic-vegetarian diet. LACTO-Pescetarians permit dairy, not eggs. OVO-Pescetarians (incl: Pescans) permit eggs, not dairy. PESCO-VEGANS / SEAGAN-Pescetarians usually eat vegan but supplement their diet with seafood sometimes. HOPE THAT CLEARED THINGS UP!”

Boomer: “Clear as mud, thanks”

by IbreathAir October 24, 2022


Pronounced like the word “key” and the word “toe” — Kee-tō

1.Shorthand for ketosis & often used as a prefix when used in this sense. (Ex. “Keto-Flu) — a state where the body stops using glucose as it’s primary energy source. Ketones, stored fat, & some amino acids become the primary sources.

2. Shorthand forketogenic diet — A medical diet prescribed to either reduce seizures in epileptics or reduce spikes in diabetics. The goal of keto is to achieve a sustained state of ketosis. Low calorie keto is often utilized by slimmers & lifters to cut a large percentage of body fat quickly, so it sometimes is thought as a fad-diet or even a crash-diet.
When used to cut fat there are 5 basic guidelines.
1. Most carbs eaten should be low netcarb, complex carbs & free of added sugar.
2.Eat more cal from fat than protein & more from protein than carbs. Protein can be broken down into glucose so eating too much threatens ketosis.

3.Restricting cal to 5% from carbs or less is most ideal. 10% is considered good for an active athlete who burns through glucose quickly.
4. Start out eating a highfat (65%-70%) & moderate protein diet (25%-20%).

5.Gradually work toward a very highfat (75%-85%) & low/moderate protein (20%-10%)—no less than 10% for an extended period. Too little can cause a starvation response where the body burns muscle protein for energy instead of using stored fat & the amino acids in dietary protein.

Bada Bing, Bada Boom Keto

Keto Kevin: I am Keto-Kevin the Ketomite from Ketofalls, CA but I now live in Ketoville USA. I used to be an obese, diabetic having a seizure a day. But then I adopted a Kaleo diet-Ketogenic diet and the constant Ketosis has made me a healthy & convulsion-free bodybuilder with 8% body fat. My likes are working out, ketofucking my girlfriend ketorria, water, avocados, and steak. My dislikes are flour, ketards, keto flu, keto crotch, the keto farts, keto snobs, people claim keto buyer follow the cheato diet, the ketotic shits, ketomites who do dirty keto or lazy keto, and keto cops.

by IbreathAir September 5, 2019

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Weekday Vegetarian

An approach to adopting a more plant-based (flexitarian, semitarian, demitarian, reducetarian) diet. Involves restriction of meat/seafood consumption to the weekends and only eating vegetarian-permissible foods the 5 weekdays of every week. Additionally, weekday vegetarians sometimes endorse/promote using seafood consumption to cut down meat-consumption (especially red meat consumption) on the days meat is eaten.

Is often (but not always) used as a tool to slowly transition to a fully vegan, vegetarian or pescetarian diet pattern.

“My son kept failing or quitting the vegetarian diet because he felt too restricted and overwhelmed. He now does the Weekday Vegetarian diet to limit his intake of animal products and is maintaining it a lot more easily.

by IbreathAir November 3, 2022