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The opposite of the word ‘shittake’. Search up the definition Ïn the urban dictionary, if its been accepted.
Its a compliment. If you say that someone ïs takeshit, then you are calling them a marvellous creature with a mysterious fascination for cucumbers.
Said: ‘take-shit’

‘Oh my, you certainly look takeshit today, Lady Marveline! How splendid!’

by IcattErr October 19, 2021


The name of my llamacorn oc.
Its an Insult, saying that someone looks lïke a llama with a unicorn horn which has an unhealthy addiction to manicures. and a werd Ï just made up Ïn school.
Less commonly spelt ‘shitake’.

Said: shit-ayk

‘You look lïke shittake, mate’

by IcattErr October 19, 2021

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To brush teeth with vigour.

(context: Person A and Person B are both brushing their teeth. Person A is borrowing Person B's toothpaste.)
Person A: Yo bro why does your toothpaste taste so unfortunate
Person B, politely: 'I *would* intensely and vigorously scrouge my teeth in anger in response to your statement, since I love my toothpaste so very much, but I've lost a tooth to that once, and would not like to go through that experience again.'

by IcattErr June 17, 2022