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Lack of government. Anarchy dosn't necissarily mean chaos. Just that there are no rules. A state of anarchy never lasts because it usualy causes a survival of the fitest situation in which the weak fallow the strong, and a form of government is formed. Anarchy can exist, but never for long, and is a part of the natural cycle of government.

Under the Articles Of Confederation the United States could not hold up a militia. Because of this a period of anarchy brought about Shay's Rebellion. The government had now power to repress it. After this the constitutional convention was held and it was decided that we needed a new government based on strong national government rather than strong state governments.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006

8👍 14👎


The compleat rejection of all established laws and institutions.

Ass raping the president while murdering his dog and planing the destruction of the world is the Sincerest form of nihalism.

by Ice Cold Anarchy February 23, 2005

36👍 68👎


True communism is a utopian socity (perfect society),based on Carle Marx philosaphys (Marxism). True communism only works in small isolated situations, and never lasts very long due to the human nature of greed. In a true communist state no one person would have more of anything than another, everything would be shared. A prime example of this is the hippie communes of the 1960's. But true communism was tested in the commune form by transcendentalists such as Ralph Waldo Emmerson, and Henry David Therou in the Transcendentalist Period in American literature (around the same time as the Romanticism Period) 1820-1860 aproximatly.

True Communism should not be confused with Socialism. Socialism is what the United States government wanted (wants) to rid the world of. A totalitarian state.

Those hippies have a great commune. They are true Marxists.

Socialism isn't communism.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006

32👍 39👎


TRUE: A Goth is someone who is usually into the darker side of the world. Where punk is mostly about government, freedom, and politics, Goth is mostly about religion(theology), philosophy, and mysticism. A true Goth is not a depressed suicidal person. They are deep into thought and feeling, know who they are. A goth, not Gothic, or Gothics (that's socially incorrect, it really pisses them off, at least the real ones, not the poseurs), generally do not worship Satan, although you can be a Goth and of any religion, many are Christian, and I know a few that are Catholic. Goths likes to be individual and often creates or modify's their clothing. Usually consisting of mainly black. Spikes are usualy not a goth thing. Tribal designs and religios related jewlry are common, such as crucifixes and pentagrams. Most are very intelligent and creative, and dont necissarily do drugs, think about murder, cut themselves, or sacrifice animals, and again with the worship Satan thing. Although many of them are pagan or wiccan.
If someone "becomes a Goth" because they couldn't get any friends or are depressed and angry all the time, they are most likely a poseur, actually just take out the whole most likely part. You are who you are because it is who you are, not because of the things that make you a poseur. The music a Goth may listen to can range to almost anything. Usually it consists of Gothic( ex. London After Midnight), Goth rock (69 Eyes) , metal(Slayer), electronic industrial (Zeromancer), industrial (Marylin Manson, Rammstien) , electro, techno (Infectid Mushroom, Chemical Brothers), even some punk, horrorpunk.But some goths even listen to classical music, and I dont mean classic rock, I mean classical like Beethoven and Mozart. All and all, goths are very open minded, they dont hold anything against people they dont know. They dont care what your religion is, or what your sexuality is, or wether you like them or not. Goths, like punks, do not lable themselfs.

TRUE: Many other subforms of goth exist, but unlike how the punk generas are rather similar and your eather punk or not, the subforms of goth are derasticaly different and may need some definition.

VICTORIAN GOTH: A victorian goth is someone you might see in a vampire movie. For example Interview With A Vampire, Dracula (not 2000 but the older ones). Dress in the Victorian Renesauns styal, like a duke, or a count. Think velvet and lace. mmmm.

VAMPIRE GOTH: Same as Victorian Goth, just often wear false fangs, wear a fang shaped glass pendent on their neck with liquid that looks like, or may be blood. May drink their partners blood. Also very deep into vampire fiction and culture.

CYBER GOTH: Love plastic, and ::eyes wide open:: bright colors. May wear plastic spikes, plastic clothing (not vinal thats different, in a way even though its plastic) and have bright clored hair or wear a plastic wig. Often wear goggles too, such as the ones Vin Desal wears in Pitch Black, and The Chronicals of Riddic. They didnt get this from those movies, most likely the producers of the movie got it from the cyber goth culture. Cyber goths go to clubs offten, and are really into the future, and futuristic sceans.

Sence we are attempting to define what Goth is, why dont we describe what it isnt as well. What is a Poseur, yes that is the correct spelling, not "poser".

TRUE: Looks like a punk or a Goth, but does it for fashion. They don't have the heart, or the soul of the culture they are pretending to be part of. May listen to punk, metal, industrial, gothic, Goth rock, techno, electro, etc. , but also listens to crap like listed under the FALSE punk section of my definition for punk. A poseur may also attempt to call a band, like Blink 182 for example, hard core, or hardcore punk. A) those bands arnt punk, B) hardcore, and hardcore punk are an entierly different subgeneras of music. Just like emo is a pathetic subgenera of poseur punk, or pop punk. A Poseur may also say and do things because they are trendy, or because they see and hear other poseurs and punks/goths, and people in bands say them and do them. This is another thing that makes them fake. Also, this isnt 100% always true, but many times every article of a poseur's clothing may come from Hottopic.

FOR YOUR REFERENCE: you can apply all the things above to gothic subculture, or any other culture or subculture in the world, just change the criteria. Inevitably, a poseur is just a wannabe, no one likes wannabes.


You may also want to see my definition for punk.

Eric Draven (Brandan Lee R.I.P.) in The Crow, was definatly a goth befor he died and became the crow.

London After Midnight and 69 Eyes are great gothic/goth rock bands.

The tital of the movie "Gothica" is pointless, it has nothing to do with the movie, and has nothing to do with gothic subculture.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 9, 2006

267👍 117👎

hominus nocturnus

The blood sucking night breed.
See: vampire

You will never be rid of the hominus nocturnus. Daylight is your only shelter.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 17, 2006

21👍 5👎


A form of government in which all citizens vote on issues that face the nation. The first true democracy was in the Greek isles. Though they where a strong nation they where easily defeated by the Romen empire because they where spread apart and information traveled slowly.
A true democracy couldnt work in the past because of the slow travel of information, but in the present day the internet could be used.

PLEASE NOTE: The United States Of America is not a Democracy, it is a Republic.

Ancient Greece was a Democracy.

The United States is not a Democracy, it is a Republic like ancient Rome.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006

39👍 16👎


A Republic is an indirect form of government in which the people of a nation elect represenitives to make decisions. The first Republic was that of ancient Rome, up until Julius Cezar, than it became and empire.
The United States of America is the best living example of a Republic, although (as all goverments are) it is rather corrupt.

Ancient Rome was the best Republic ever.

The United States Of America is a Republican state, not a democracy.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006

118👍 133👎