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A fake statistic referring to the number of women apparently sexually harassed in the United Kingdom. The actual study the media uses to base this statistic off of does not mention 97% once, and it also includes staring, asking out for a drink, and telling jokes as forms of sexual harassment.

If the 97% statistic of women sexually harrassed counts staring as sexual harassment how the hell is it not 100%?

by IceChill789 July 28, 2021

15πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Actual: An ideology made by German philosopher Karl Marx in the 19th century which would pave the way for communist and socialist movements in the 20th century, including the Russian revolution and the Chinese Civil War. Marxists believe capitalism is exploitive and a good alternative is communism where people contribute according to their ability, and receive according to their needs.

Slang: Anything a right-winger doesn't like.

Example 1: The Soviet Union ran on the ideology of Marxism when it existed.

Example 2: That radical Marxist Joe Biden wants to give women and gays equal rights! The horror!

by IceChill789 October 4, 2020

3πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Former Republic of the Soviet Union and is still ran like a communist state with little room for dissent or opposition, and the same party getting elected over and over with 99.999% of votes. It borders Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan. The president has a Stalin style cult of personality around him and his picture is everywhere.

Saying something bad about the president in Turkmenistan can lead to you disappearing to never be seen again.

by IceChill789 August 9, 2021


Once an example of secular democracy in the Middle East, Turkey is now heading towards a theocracy thanks to the election of Erdogan who symphasises with the terrorist group Hamas that wants an Islamic state in Palestine and to eradicate Israel.

Turkey used to be a progressive country and a role model for the entire region, but since Erdogan became president, it is becoming more religious and conservative.

by IceChill789 August 9, 2021

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Not a real thing. Anarchism is opposition to the state and also opposition to hierarchies, but so called "anarcho-capitalism" promotes hierarchies, therefore is not anarchism.

I wish so called anarcho-capitalists would admit that anarcho-capitalism isn't real anarchism.

by IceChill789 October 4, 2020

4πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

Boris Johnson

The fuhrer of Britain in waiting, slowly turning the country into an undemocratic democracy with no room for opposition, not that it really matters considering the country has no real opposition group anyway and the Labour Party, the second largest parliamentary party, doesn't stand up to his regime.

Boris Johnson's government consists of London elites and is controlled by donors of whom he frequently gives tax breaks while 20% of his people live in extreme poverty.

by IceChill789 August 9, 2021

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

Someone who denies facts, views themselves as superior to others, and yells at anyone suggesting they may be in the wrong.

"Climate change isn't real" Jimmy said to his friend Greg.

"Oh Jimmy, stop being such a Donald Trump" replied Greg, sighing.

by IceChill789 April 26, 2020

537πŸ‘ 16271πŸ‘Ž