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Lil Wyte

Lil Wyte is a fucking goat, he's blessed us with so many timeless albums and songs, from Doubt Me Now all the way to his self-titled album in 2018, the man is a fucking goat and has so many great songs that you can't just have one favorite, because there's so many flame ass songs to choose from that are all so good. The man is a goat and it's about time we put some respec on his name!

by Icy Wyte July 1, 2022

11πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's been shit on their whole life.

John: Hi I'm John, I've been shit on my whole life.

by Icy Wyte May 21, 2018

82πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

The record player

Something that Sleepy Joe 'braindead' Biden thinks parents should have on at night so kids can 'hear words.' It is unclear however if this is actually a good idea, since Joe didn't seem to know what the hell he wanted to say (as usual) and was confused between the record player, the radio, the television and even the phone!

Joe 'braindead' Biden: Play the radio! Make sure the television the-the excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the the the phone, make sure the kids hear words!

Normal person: you're a fucking retard, Trump won anyway.

by Icy Wyte July 21, 2022

14πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A man who 'knows words' and 'has the best words.'

See, Donald Trump knows words, that's why Joe Biden has to make new ones up!

by Icy Wyte July 22, 2022

58πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A rapper

Tom: Do you like the rapper Gayke?
Brad: Yeah he's dope

by Icy Wyte May 31, 2018

17πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Bun B

One half of the duo UGK and the far better half of the duo.

Yo Bun B is the far superior half of UGK bruh, ya dig?

by Icy Wyte December 30, 2017

23πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Joe Biden won

The definition of a 'big fat lie.' Something that obviously can't be true, by saying 'Joe Biden won' you are essentially saying that 81 million Americans are mentally retarded.

Dumbocrat: Yay yay yip yip yahoo! Joe Biden won! All our problems are over! He's going to put our country back on track and make everything nice again! Yay! Orange man bad!
Smart person: calm down. You do know that he didn't really win right?
Dumbocrat: Oh whatever do you mean?
Smart person: Voter fraud, they rigged the election so they could use him as a puppet, there's no way 81 million people voted for that!
Dumbocrat: That's another lie! It's a lie I said! Another lie that Fox News and republicans are spreading! They wouldn't do that, the government wouldn't lie to us!
A year later...
Dumbocrat: People need to stop being so hard on Biden, he's doing the best he can and he's still a lot better than that orange asshole. I hope Trump dies!
Smart person: He didn't win the election fairly!
Dumbocrat: Stop spreading this lie! It has been proven false! CNN and all the mainstream media says it is false and they wouldn't lie to us! The only one spreading this false narrative is Fox News and they don't count as real news.
Smart person: Okay, then how come his approval rating is so low then if he is really the most popular president ever?
Dumbocrat: I...I um, well I don't know why, people just always want to complain, I I mean, that's such a lie, Joe Biden won!
Smart person: How come his own party doesn't want him to run again in 2024 then?
Dumbocrat: I don't...I um, I, ...stop watching Fox News! Fox News is the devil! Sean Hannity is evil! Orange man bad! Biden 2024!

by Icy Wyte July 21, 2022

13882πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž