Source Code

Wiz Khalifa

To take a Wiz Khalifa is when you've gotta pee really bad.

Nicole: Hey where are you going?
Me: Dammit I've got to take a Wiz Khalifa so bad! I shouldn't have drank all those cups of coffee and beer today, I think I'll overflow the toilet tonight, don't expect me back for at least an hour, I have to Wiz Khalifa so bad!

by Icy Wyte December 11, 2016

100πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


Another name for Joe Biden

Joe Biden is a dope

Brad: hey did you see Joe Biden's speech last night?
Tom: Yeah what a dope.

by Icy Wyte June 21, 2022

11πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Mental Retardation

What Joe Biden obviously suffers from. Some people say that he has declined with age, but this is only half true, because the truth is that Joey was always a bit slow.

Guy1: Yo I think Joe Biden has the mental retardation.
Guy2: Duh?

by Icy Wyte June 30, 2022

37πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

Mental retardation

Joe Biden supporters

Hi I'm a Joe Biden supporter and I believe that he won the election fairly and that he is the most popular president in history who got over 81 million votes, I have the highest form of mental retardation known to man, orange man bad!

by Icy Wyte July 25, 2022

26πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

J. Cole

The best damn rapper of our time! He makes Kendrick Lamar look basic af compared to him.

Bob: Damn, J. Cole is a much better rapper than Kendrick Lamar, it's not even funny.
Bill: Kendrick Lam-who?
Bob: Kendrick Lamar. You know, To Pimp a Butterfly?
Bill: To pimp a butterfly? What the hell is that! It sounds like trash anyway!
Bob: Yeah it is trash, Kendrick is trash.
Bill: His name is Kendrick Lamar?
Bob: Yes, but it doesn't matter anyway because he's trash compared to J. Cole!

by Icy Wyte December 26, 2017

97πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

J Cole

Probably the 'shittiest' rapper of all time, next to Lil Wayne maybe.

J Cole: They say I'm like the human body, I produce my own shit
J Cole: These niggas thinking they the shit, and they ain't even farted yet
J Cole: You the shit only cause I digested you niggas
J Cole: I'm the shit, you the stools
J Cole: I let you feel like you're the shit, but boy, you can't out-fart me
J Cole: Potty train niggas, this that teach you how to shit

John: Damn J Cole is fucking shit!
Bob: Yes he is a shitty rapper.
John: he's still better than kendrick though
Bob: Obviously

J Cole is still the shit to me

by Icy Wyte June 30, 2022

20πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Beautiful young ladies

Something that Joe Biden can't help but stare at and sniff.

Donald Trump: Did you see those violent BLM rioters being destructive and destroying property?
Sleepy Joe Biden: I didn't see anything of the sort, I was too busy staring at those beautiful young ladies, aren't they gorgeous? I like to see them in shorts and being able to look at their smooth, slender little legs!

by Icy Wyte July 8, 2022

21πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž