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A woman who gave you birth but literally laughs at everything and says: “That’s cute” to many times to count-

Me: “ Hey Mom?”
My Mom: *laughs at whatever’s on her phone*
Me: “ What’s so funny?”
My Mom: “Here.” *shows me her phone which is 287729370853 years old*
Me: “...What’s so funny?”
My Mom: “The kid!”
Me: “Ha.... ha..... ha........Ha.... so funny...”

Me POV: “Not”

by Idkwhatsgoingon April 19, 2020


A devil who worked with God to make the universe, and God especially likes to call his son, Lucifer, LuCy

God: “Hey Satan can I see your son”
Satan: “Sure” *hands over his son*
God: “Hey there, LuCy”
Lucifer: *gies Satan a look that obviously says: “What is this all about”*

by Idkwhatsgoingon April 20, 2020




by Idkwhatsgoingon April 21, 2020