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Its February 2004, in some deserted area near Cambridge, Massachusetts a light is seen heading towards the Earth. It turns out to be a small meteor, it crashes into the ground. Soon after, a few human lifeforms come out. They make their way down to the city, and observe the everyday people, in which they come up with the idea to form some sort of networking circle using computers, which inevitably spirals out of control. It was only meant for a certain band of people to interact in the beginning, now everybody can use it, thus the epidemic and lack of socialness began throughout the world.

General areas where people used to go and have some fun are now ghost towns, the only activity area is at night at the nearest bar/club of addicted facebookers getting shitfaced taking about 3000 pictures pretty much exactly the same and uninteresting, eagerly awaiting to put them on facebook when they have recovered and get some positive comments. At the same time exam results, school, and real life in general suffer.

It is a pointless popularity contest to see how many friends people can add, 99% of which you'll never speak to now or barely know in real life. Also great for chasing someone you like without even having to say a word in person, just search their name and bingo, hot guy/girl is now on my radarz.

Don't get sucked in like many others, you'll be thankful you didn't, as you'll be one of the real life people and not the fake ones who class facebook as real life.

Guy: Whoa! Did you see what happened to Jake last night at Vintage Bar, I saw it on Bobs Facebook, you should see my comment and the photos.
Real person: Why would I care about that, fuck off and go stick your penis up their arses online, I've got a life to live.
Guy: That's well going on Facebook!

by IfYouWantBloodYouGotIt September 15, 2010

5👍 3👎


Another music forum who's users claim is more mature and a better online community to go to compared to Harmony Central and Ultimate Guitar, when really it is just as bad if not worse given how a lot of members there are older and 'supposedly' more mature. There are good people there however there are a fair few lemons (aka people you wouldn't want to ever know or talk to in reality) too.

Recently having pointless topics and stupid arguments that build up in normal ones, where one little objection causes a massive flame war causing the two sides to get their panties in a twist, throwing their toys out the pram and their handbags at each other, with each side desparately trying to win so they can get a ego booster and a boner cos they were right and think theyz rulez above everyone else, when really they just make themselves look even more stupid. Both sides also don't realise they are as bad as each other. To top it off when they think they've won they post so cringeworthy its like watching a naked 85 year old bustin some rhymes and beats.

It is good for general things, just like how all the music forums can be, however if you are in a topic where an argument with a bunch of always full of themselves moaning idiots starts just fucking run as if you decide get involved you'll never win and will be no better than them!

Musicradar Pointless Topic - £100 cables are better.

Idiot1: Spend loads of money on cables it makes a 100% difference.
Idiot2: Stop talking shit, I'll be glad to see you go.
Pointless argument and ego match ensues with more getting involved, where even though the point has been proven long ago, idiots still argue and basically just keep on shooting something that is long dead.

Idiot3 starts a new topic called 'The official Idiot1 is wrong thread'

by IfYouWantBloodYouGotIt September 15, 2010

2👍 1👎