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An astroturfed, DNC-funded movement posing as grassroots supporters of US Vice President Kamala Harris. They are mostly on X (Twitter) and are composed of DNC operatives, white suburban women who use digital blackface, and several fake accounts, or "bots."

They are tribally defensive of Kamala Harris, swarming to defend her from even the mildest criticism, including her record as California Attorney General in which she refused to prosecute Steven Mnuchin (who handsomely donated to her campaign) for illegal foreclosures in the state when he was head of Goldman Sachs, and how she knowingly kept innocent people in prison for cheap labor; and her record as Vice President, such as telling immigrants from war-torn Latin American countries "do not come" to the United States.

They despise any politician to Harris's left, most notably the "Squad", the group of young progressive congresswomen, and Bernie Sanders, subjecting the former to a slew of racist, misogynist, and classist attacks, and accusing the latter of racism or antisemitism, despite him being a Jew who lost family members in the Holocaust.

They also harass any ordinary person who criticizes Harris from the left, falsely accusing them of "misogynoir"; subjecting them to harassment and doxxing; and in one case, even calling Child Protective Services on a critic of Kamala Harris.

Sometimes they keep to themselves, but KHive activity seems to pick up every election season, when DNC funding likely gets turned back on.

Me: I just pointed out on X /Twitter that Kamala Harris dropped out of the 2020 Presidential Primary without earning a single delegate! Better brace for the KHive harassment!

by Iguana Power April 24, 2024


A derogatory term for a US citizen who usually votes with the Democratic Party, but behaves like most supporters of former US President Donald J Trump.

It is a play on the phrase MAGA (Make America Great Again), the often-used slogan of Donald Trump's campaign and presidency.

People that can be described as "Blue MAGA" are often upper-middle class, live in the suburbs, and treat politics as a team sport. They frequently support or excuse war, tax cuts for the wealthy, mass incarceration, and cuts to the social safety net, if such things happen when a Democrat is president.

Blue MAGA’s main objection to Donald Trump had much less to do with his policies than it had to do with his decorum. This explains their courting of so-called Moderate Republicans, who take a hatchet to the middle class and start unnecessary wars, but often do it with a smile on their face and outward politeness. (See: George W. Bush)

Perhaps the politician that Blue MAGA despises the most is Senator Bernie Sanders. They see him as responsible for Donald Trump’s election win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, ignoring the fact that he campaigned harder for Clinton than she did for herself after he dropped out of the race. They also criticize his proposals such as Medicare for All and free public college as being “pie-in-the-sky” despite these things (or things similar to them) existing in virtually every other developed country in the world.

Blue MAGA: I'm so happy that Biden is president now! I can't wait for everything to get back to normal!

Me: What do you mean "normal"?

Blue MAGA: You know, how things were before Trump got into office!

Me: You realize that "normal" is what led to Donald Trump in the first place, right? Plenty of people in this country were hurting before Donald Trump, and they're still hurting after him.

Blue MAGA: STFU Bernie Bro!! Go back to Russia!

Me: That's Blue MAGA for you...

by Iguana Power July 27, 2021

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