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Zac Efron

I'm sorry, the dude wears makeup. A teenage supposed 'sex symbol' for yet-to-admit-they-are lesbians to fancy without feeling guilty. the closest thing to a girl. Also strangely resembles a chipmunk.
Seemingly undecided on his sexuality

Girl 1: Lyk omg u sin hsm2? i lyk, hope theres a third wun, zac efron is so freakin hotttt!
Normal person: Clearly there is something wrong with you. so you like guys who wear makeup huh? Well, whatever floats your boat.

by Ihatehsm August 25, 2008

94👍 101👎

Jonas Brothers

When used in singular, a term used to describe a male prostitute, deriving from the trio of the same name, who became famous basically by hooking up with anything that moves - whether it be male, female or animal.

Previous partners include Miley Cyrus, another male prostitute famous in LA, and Zac Efron, their most attractive conquest to date

Also known as 'Jo-Bros'

Person 1:'My those Jonas Brothers are attractive..oh dayum look at those purity rings'
Person 2: 'No, those rings actually state that they are rent boys, and will pretty much accept any payment'

by Ihatehsm January 8, 2009

75👍 37👎


Incredibly patronising, supposedly 'endearing' term from one person to another. Used instead of the name. Some people think it's cute i guess, but when one of your friends uses it in every sentence it becomes incredibly, unbelievably annoying.
Possibly may be used for people when someone hasnt bothered to learn their name/s

Can be followed by an 's' (see babes) which can either refer to one or more 'babes' or is just another 'endearing' term to call someone else. (the word 'babes' is equally as irritating, please people, stop using these words!)

Annoying girl: Awww, dont worry about it babe
(turns round to talk to another person)
Same annoying girl: Oh, hey babe! You ok? I missed you babe

Guy (to girl): Oh babe i missed you so much
Girl: The word 'babe' is incredibly irritating, please do not refer to me by it.

e.g. 3
Random person: Oh hey!
Girl: hey..er...(thinks to self - oh CRAP! whats his/her name again..? I cant think..damnit, oh! i know what to do!)babe!

by Ihatehsm August 26, 2008

121👍 98👎