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A women's vagina that is messed up beyond all repair.

A vagina with swollen sagging lips.

Would you say her vagina is normal or an apocalips?

After taking the midnight train her vagina was best described as an apocalips.

by Ijellan Sauer November 30, 2019


An area of Philosophical thought that seeks to understand the emotions attributed to god. The claim of an Emotionalist is that emotions as an evolutionary mechanism for survival would not apply to a perfect, self-sufficient being.

A cognitive understanding of emotions has demonstrated a link between emotional states and motivational responses. God as a perfect, self-sufficient being would not have motivations toward survival or a need for love. An eternal being for which there is no equal or greater by nature would not give rise to emotions but instead would act out its own will without regard of the emotional state of its creation.

Emotionalism explores the emotional and motivational mechanisms of a creator god.

by Ijellan Sauer October 9, 2019

caffeine pacing

Caffeine Pacing is the slow or incremental increase or decrease in Caffeine intake for the purpose of avoiding negative effects of overdose or withdraw.

Caffeine pacing can reduce headaches when reducing or eliminating caffeine from your diet.

by Ijellan Sauer September 14, 2020


all emotional; the feeling of all emotions simultaneously and with the same degree of intensity. Omnimotus is made of two words in Latin; Omni- (all; In all ways; of all things) and Motus (Movement of mind/soul; emotion)

"Is God omnimotus?"

by Ijellan Sauer October 1, 2019