Source Code


see touque

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

8πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


putrid; grotesquely ugly or disturbing; vile smelling

goh! that's absolutely boggin!

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

134πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


to lift; steal; take; or to procure for someone

I pulled a pack of smokes 'cuz my bro hadn't the cash

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

5πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


an online gamer, who, during firefights, jumps repetedly to make themselves more difficult to shoot

damn bunny! someone get that stupid hmg on him yea?

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

258πŸ‘ 246πŸ‘Ž


close friends; buds; pals; comradarie

hey, he's my bro, I watch his back, and he watches mine, we're like brothers, yah know?

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

2719πŸ‘ 1479πŸ‘Ž


a creature known in myth as a large hairy hominiod. there are claims of sightings across the globe, though no conclusive proof is evident. also known as the 'bigfoot' or 'yeti'.

you ever heard that story of the sasqwatch?

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

17πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


overdose; generally fatal, in so much as that one's system cannot handle the quantity of drug being pumped into it; hence death; generally a body-wide systems failure.

as drugs become the more popular venue of entertainment/escape the rate of O.D. rises in accordance.

by Ilianivich March 15, 2003

165πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž