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Ice cold hard nips

When your nipples freeze so hard they can break titanium into 16 thousand pieces.

"Man, it is so cold outside I could break glass with these ice cold hard nips!"

by Iliketoeatcatz October 16, 2022

The Push-Pop

It’s when a girl is sucking on a guys non-hard dick and then all of a sudden it gets hard and cums into the girls mouth.

Girl 1: So what did you do last night?
Girl 2: Oh you know just the push-pop..
Girl 1: What the fucks a push-pop!?
Girl 2: ........uhh

by Iliketoeatcatz January 27, 2020

13👍 3👎

Ballin on these balls

When you are playing basketball and one person climbs on the hoop and dips his balls through the net giving someone the Arabian goggles

Man1 he what where you doing last night?
Man2 I was ballin on these balls!😏
Man3 YA he did it to me!

by Iliketoeatcatz January 24, 2020


It’s where one piece of corn sticks it’s dick in another piece of corns asshole. Making it the “Cornhole!

Corn: 1:so what you do last night bro?
Corn 2: gave my girl the cornhole
Corn 1: wow you struck lucky man!
Corn 2: I know ;)

by Iliketoeatcatz February 6, 2020