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Hippity hoppity get off my property

Sentance used when someone wants to make the person talking to him go away or shut up.

Dude1: Hey did you know the xbox is better than Playstati-
Dude2: Hippity hoppity get off my property

by Im cringy December 15, 2017


shitty eXpensive console that sucks a dick

xXx_xSnipex_xXx: Hey, i got the eXpensive new console, xbox one X!
Alpwn: Shut up! Im now on Playstation 4 Pro! KYS!

by Im cringy December 12, 2017

That's a wrap!

The most annoying thing in Splatoon 2. Usually seen when all your teammates are down, and when you see this. You are gonna get so mad.

That's a wrap!

by Im cringy July 26, 2019