A silly billy. Maybe even a goofball and also really gay
Person 1: hey is that Kavvs?
Person 2: yeah it is!! Kavvs is so silly
Kavvs: I love men
Absolutely BANGER band. Like if Panic! At The Disco and Set It Off kissed and gave birth to some fucked up hybrid.
"I loved that part in The Starchaser by Valley In The Sky when they said "it's starchasin' time" and starchased all over the place"
My TikTok moot and a very cool person
Person 1: hey have you heard of hearts4ctommy?
Person 2: that tiktoker? Yeah they're cool
Singer songwriter known for his songs Flight of The Crows, RISK RISK RISK, and some more less popular but still absolutely fire songs stream pin-eye
"holy shit look a crow"
"what the fuck."
"Jhariah reference"
Banger musician. WILL steal your teeth. Watch out.
"dude what the fuck there's a pin in my eye"
"Omg Jhariah reference"