In Zodiac Studies the sign Aries is the leader of all the signs. It's planet ruler is the sun and it's animal sign is the ram.
Also like the ram Aries males like to charge first. They aren't afraid to do anything and they love to show off. Sometimes they can be funny but are stubborn and rude in some situations. In Zodiac Studies the sign Aries is most compatible with the signs Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Once a Aries love you they will never let go, they will want to stay forever. They tend to fall in love easily so that isn't always a good thing.
Little facts like there favorite color is Red and there favorite number is 9. They love to exercise and love to spend time, think about, or talk to there significant other.
Once you have an Aries don't ever let go of one, that would be a mistake and the Aries males is full with love, all they will want to do is love you.
The Aries Male is such a wonder.
Asad is a word that is originated from the language Arabic, it means lion and is a wonderful name.
Asad is surprisingly good at baseball?
Grey Eyes are heavily common at birth, they are a sight for sore eyes and are a wonder to gaze into. Grey Eyes usually stay throughout your childhood but depending on your genes they turn brown as you get older.
My son had the most beautiful Grey Eyes as a baby.
Hazel Eyes are one of the most beautiful color of eyes, they shine in the sunlight and glisten in the moonlight. Hazel Eyes are common at birth but are acquired as you get older.
Josh has the most beautiful Hazel Eyes.